[SCPA]  [Trails] & [Sites] > [Santa Barbara] [Eliminator]

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updated 1/2014

Copied from: http://topaflyers.com/site_guide/siteguide.html#eliminator 1990s

[Eliminator Bookmark in Topa Flyers Site Guide on SCPA Server]

Site Map.
Santa Barbara, Ca
Convenient Coastal Mountain Site overlooking Santa Barbara


Launch is a smooth moderately steep dirt/rock ramp at the edge of an overlook turn-out on a mountain road. The launch is at about 3500 ft. MSL and faces west into a canyon running roughly north-south. Power lines are strung across the south end of the launch canyon well below launch altitude. These lines are about a 2 : 1 glide from launch and are usually not a significant obstacle, but care should be taken not to scratch too low before crossing them. The launch is roughly a 4 : 1 glide to the primary LZs (heading south over the power lines).


The standard LZs for this site are at Parma park and consist of two separate upsloped grassy fields. The lower Parma LZ slopes up to the south and is somewhat wider and more forgiving than the alternative upper Parma field. Upper Parma, however, slopes upward to the west and is more suitable in west winds. The upper LZ, however, is relatively small (requiring solid hang 3 landing skills) and scattered with occasional boulders. Approach is unobstructed but must be made over a canyon which is frequently a sink-hole.


Any. Paved public road to launch


Informally regulated by the Santa Barbara Hang Gliding Club. Requires intermediate rating. For updated information call Ken DeRussy at the Hang Glider Emporium (805) 965-3733


The site is at its best in pre or post-frontal unstable air and thus winter and spring are the prime soaring seasons. In the summer, the marine inversion tends to predominate making flights usually pretty scratchy. On good unstable days, XC flights following the coast range east toward Ventura are frequently possible.


Call the Hang Glider Emporium.