
Post Flight Check In

From: Tom Beidler
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I'm sure there's already some proticol but maybe someone could refresh my memory.

It would be good to have one person designated as the check in person that all the other pilots can check in with once we've safely landed. I never thought of it until Eddie called me around 3PM (at home) and Tom P. called around 8PM Sunday to make sure I was ok.

Tom asked me to work on the pilot directory website, http://www.orbittechservices.com/scpa_memdirect/memlist.php4, to add the ability to generate a current phone list. Just a list of names and their cell and home phones in one single list that will be printable. That way if everyone keeps the pilot directory up to date (and it looks like everyone has) anyone on the list can go to the pilot directory and quickly print up a phone list before flying. I'll try to do that in the next week or two.
