
"Designer in Flight"

From: Sarah C
Activity_Date: thenwhen
Remote Name:


I know this man.

By day he strains his eyes on the smallest lines; thicker and thinner... longer and shorter... swiftly he plots, carefully he imagines... before him lay sketches and ideas, scribbled and tossed, delighted and confused the ink and graphite holds fast to its paper, expectant and pleading;

a slow seeping breath... a glint of light across his eye...

Do I know this man?

Before him the world is at his feet... Clouds chase playfully across the sky; The sun leans toward the nearest horizon watching...

The wind is near; if it could be the flapping of wings... or the rustling of leaves of paper one in the same of flight and adventure. Thousands of feet above, or inches below.

Above the land; spinning, laughing, enjoying it all. The only boundaries are his. This line, this circle, this lift, this fall.

Do I know this man? Perhaps. Or not at all.

"Designer in Flight" by Sarah C
