
Re: SIV recommendation

From: Brendan
Activity_Date: 06/19/01
Remote Name:


Hi Tom,

For the most part I agree with what Zvi has written. The course was absolutely invaluable for me. So much of flying is intuition (if you have to think about applying left brake, by the time you process all the information it will probably be too late), and doing the maneuvers just helps expand your intuitive knowledge of how to deal with the wing.

Prior to going I was having a conversation about whether or not the course would be valuable given that the conditions are pilot induced rather than turbulence induced. It is certainly true that a pilot induced spin is nothing like a turbulence induced spin and the recovery isn't the same either (for instance I could stop the spin simply by releasing the brake). But the experience of feeling the wing whipping around, and the recovery process adds to your ability to fly. It certainly added to mine.

Not everyone needs SIV though. I think pilots that only fly the training hill, or the beach, would be unlikely to appreciate or benefit from the course. It just wouldn't be necessary for that type of flying. But for pilots that fly in turbulent air, and encounter occasional collapses, yeah the course will add a great deal to their flying. I hope to be able to take it once a year, just as a type of continuing education.

Hopefully you’ll get a chance to see what I mean.

